Tuesday 12 November 2013

sad quotes 2

1) 'Sadness is  just the gate between two gardens.'

2) 'If you build a wall around your heart to keeps away sadness, know it also keeps away joy'

3) 'If you look deeply into a funny story, the sadly it will become.'

4) 'There is people when they get sad they share it with the world, and few when they get sad they keep it to them self.'

5) 'Tears are happens when the words fail to describe a feeling.'

6) 'When you are sad, you love sleeping, cause real day life becomes your nightmare.'

7) 'No one could be perfectly well, everyone have some sadness in their heart.'

8) 'Despite i know you are not coming back, i am still waiting.'

9) 'Happiness come after sadness, always.'

10) 'It is very sad that people change, however memories don't.'

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