Motivation Quotes

1) 'It is natural for a child to fear dark, but what is unnatural is a man fearing the light of day.'

2) 'the difference between a successful person and unsuccessful one is the strength to never give up'

3) 'the more you use your creativity, the more it will become better at it.'

4) 'why people give up so easily? well because if the common thoughts that they don't have what it takes to keep going'

5) 'Wining cant come without failing, get diss-pointed from failing? try again.'

6) 'You don't ask your self who going to let you,but who going to stop you?'

7) 'You can't change if you don't change your thoughts.'

8) 'The more you love what you do in life, the more you will better at it.'

9) 'You are who you are. god gave you uniqueness, so stop following other people.'

10) 'there is nothing more painful in life more than a chance you didn't take.'

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