Tuesday 12 November 2013

Motivaton Quotes 2

1) 'It doesn't matter if no one believe you, the most important thing is that you believe on your self.'

2) 'Giving up is too easy, and never quitting is hard, both will change you for life, so chose carefully.'

3) 'Can some 1 answer me, why we fall? Yes, to get up again.'

4) 'Start with a dream, believing that dream could be achievable.'

5) 'Don't wait for the perfect moment to start, that will never happen, but make the perfect moment your self.'

6) 'If you think you can, you are right. and if you think you can't your are right too.'

7) 'You can never swim in deep ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.'

8) 'Make your own destiny, by deciding on who you want to be.'

9) 'If you want to have courage, you need to not listen to your fears.'

10) 'Start from where you are, use anything you have and make it work'

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