Monday 28 July 2014


Thursday 14 November 2013

Love quotes 3

1) 'Did you even been in love? Horrible isn't it? make you afraid of the someone you let inside, afraid he may mess up.'

2) "it is better to have loved and lost, than never experienced that feeling.'

3) a father asked his son: 'Do you know where do you find life? anywhere you find love'

4) 'there is no reason to be love, you love because you love, that is how simple it is.

5) 'love is the opposite of laziness, because real love make you feel the need to change for better.

6) 'Sometimes the heart sees what the eye won't see.

7) 'We are wrong, love does not start and finish the way we think. Love is a battle field, love is a war; love opens your eyes to thing you've been missing.'

8) 'There is nothing I would not do for those who really love me.'

9) 'Love is needing someone,feeling that you need him and you don't understand why.'

10) 'Love make you feel that your entire world depend on that special someone.'

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quotes in images

for our lovley moms, thank you for always being there for us.